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Clintyclay Primary School, Dungannon


2016/2017 School Year

2nd Mar 2017
As part of World Book Day the children dressed up as their favourite character from a book. ...
28th Feb 2017
Clintyclay P.S choir won first place in Dungannon Feis. They won a beautiful glass...
24th Feb 2017
P5-P7 visited St. John's School in Eglish to watch a play about being...
21st Feb 2017
P.4 made their First Confession on Wednesday 21st February with Fr. White.
3rd Feb 2017
The P5-P7 class took part in the BBC Terrific Scientific Investigation. ...
2nd Feb 2017
The children in Mrs Donnelly's class enjoyed making St Brigid's crosses. 
1st Feb 2017
On Wednesday 1st February we celebrated Grandparents day.  Grandparents came...
1st Feb 2017
On Wednesday 1st February the Reception-P.4. class were visited by Robin, a paramedic...